
at rest



at rest为短语/超纲词汇

近义词, 同义词

1. But I couldn´t answer the rest.

2. The doctor advised (me to take) a complete rest.

3. Taking a rest in the mountains is very curative for breathing difficulties.

4. They were very easy. But I couldn´t answer the rest. They were too difficult for me.
    这些题都非常容易.但是我回答不出其余的问题. 对我来说这些题太难了.

5. The park on the waterfront is a good place for rest and recreation.

6. The illness had not really left her; it had gone into hiding, instead, and the physical and mental after-effects of that historical August 6, 1945, would trouble Kaz all the rest of her life.

7. That's why I asked him here to take a rest."

8. The front deck might seem a frightening place for the rest of the town, but it was a front row seat for me.

9. The long-term acceptance is strong, the rest is just details."

10. No medicine worked, since the only known treatment for radiation sickness was rest.
